One of the most exciting experience in life is the arrival of the new baby. With the extra joy there are also extra questions about how best to look after the baby.
We would like to assist new parents in this beautiful journey knowing that specialist help at this particular times is invaluable.
Neonatologists are Paediatricians who specialise in newborn and infant health care. They can provide useful guidance for new parents. You frequently meet them as they performing the “Baby check’. A full physical and developmental screening is completed at the 6 week baby check. Review of the baby’s progress is also recommended at 3 or 6 months of age, especially following a complicated pregnancy or delivery.
Neonatologist can offer feeding and settling advice, physical health review, developmental screening and assessments.
They also assess parent and infant bonding and relationships and can advise parents when supportive intervention would be beneficial.
Secure attachment of child and parent is the most important foundation of physical and psychological wellbeing. Receiving early support and guidance to strengthen parent child attachment is very beneficial. Maternal and paternal mental health issues and family adjustment aspects will need to be discussed and supported.